Health and Wellbeing

People are living longer and it is therefore important that we look after our health so that we can remain active and healthy and take part in our community for as long as possible. Improving wellbeing is a worthy goal in its own right and can be instrumental to other outcomes – physical health, getting into work and productivity. Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. 

Living with COVID-19:

As we learn to live safely with Covid-19, there are actions we can all take to help reduce the risk of catching Covid-19 and passing it on to others. Covid-19, along with many other respiratory infections such as influenza (flu), can spread easily and cause serious illness in some people. You may be infected with a respiratory virus such as Covid-19 and not have any symptoms but still pass infection onto others.

As outlined in the “Living with Covid” guidance, from the 1st April, the Government have removed the ability to access free universal PCR and LFD tests for the general public. However, free tests will still continue to be provided to certain cohorts within the population such as individuals who work within the health and social care sector. This is to help protect individuals most vulnerable and at high risk of becoming seriously ill if infected with Covid-19. 

Visit the .Gov website to see the changes in Covid-19 testing in England.

Although the Government has removed restrictions and access to free universal testing, Covid-19 is still circulating within the community. We’re still encouraging people to follow the basics to limit spread of Covid-19 to keep you, your family and the community safe:

  • Get Vaccinated - Vaccines are the best defense we have against COVID-19. They provide good protection against hospitalisation and death. They also reduce the risk of long-term symptoms. Visit the NHS website for more information on how to manage or book your Covid-19 vaccination.

Spring Booster - Care home residents, people aged 75 and over and those with a weakened immune system aged 12 and over will be invited to get a spring Covid-19 booster. The NHS will contact you and invite you to book your spring booster when it’s due. 

  • Try to stay at home if experiencing respiratory symptoms or if you have tested positive for Covid-19 – If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection such as Covid-19 and you have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to go to work or carry out normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people, until you no longer have a high temperature (if you had one) or until you no longer feel unwell. This is a precautionary measure to reduce risk of infecting others with Covid-19 or another respiratory infection. Symptoms of Covid-19 can be found on the NHS website

If you have a positive COVID-19 test result, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days after the day you took your test. At the end of this period, if you have a high temperature or feel unwell, try to follow this advice until you feel well enough to resume normal activities and you no longer have a high temperature if you had one.

For children and young people aged 18 years and under, following a positive Covid-19 test result, they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower and therefore they can resume activities and attend educational settings as normal.

  • Let fresh air in – Good ventilation reduces the risk of spreading Covid-19 and other respiratory infections, especially if there are lots of infected people present. Bringing fresh air into a room by opening a door or a window, even for a few minutes at a time, helps remove older stale air that could contain virus particles and reduces the chance of spreading infections.

Good basic Hygiene - Following these basic rules of good hygiene will help to protect you and others from Covid-19 as well as many other common infections:

  • cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze
  • wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitiser
  • clean your surroundings/surfaces regularly 
  • Consider wearing a face covering – Wearing a face covering or mask can reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission and other respiratory infections. Individuals should consider wearing a face covering when coming into close contact with someone at high risk of becoming seriously unwell if infected with Covid-19 and in crowded and enclosed spaces when Covid-19 rates are high as outlined in the guidance for Living Safely with respiratory infections, including Covid-19.

Updated Covid-19 guidance, information and advice:

Healthier Families

 We know that what happens during the first few years of life (starting in the womb) has lifelong effects on the health and wellbeing of a child – from obesity, heart disease and mental wellbeing, as well as success at school and later working life. We also know that the choices parents’ make for themselves can support or make it difficult for children to develop healthy habits.

Better Health Start for Life is the place to go for trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood. It gives advice of how to eat well and keep active during pregnancy. It also helps new parents understand about how best to feed a new baby by explaining the benefits of breastfeeding and when to introduce solid foods.

These days, 'modern life' can mean that children are a lot less active and with so much convenience and fast food available kids today could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their bodies. This can cause life-threatening diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Better Health, Healthier Families provided information to help families eat better and move more, it has loads of easy to cook recipes and lots and lots of ideas to keep kids fit and active. 

Healthy Start Vouchers: If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk. For more information, visit Healthy Start Vouchers | My Life Warrington

Looking after yourself – Better Health

Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to lose weight, get active or quit smoking, Better Health is here with lots of free tools and support. You can also find simple ways to lift your mood with Every Mind Matters. There has never been a better time to kick-start your health. Let's do this!

The Better Health campaign includes information to support you to:

  • Get active – Including information apps to help increase your activity levels (Couch to 5K and Active 10), introductory offers, how to get active at home and simple tips to move more. Get active - Better Health - NHS (

For local service information, visit Livewire Lifestyles Team: Get Back into Exercise • Livewire ( Local community activity list to help increase your activity levels:Healthy weight |

  • Take care of your mind – Including the Your Mind plan quiz, Coronavirus and well-being information, children’s and young people’s mental health information, and ideas for your wellbeing and how to get support. Every Mind Matters - NHS ( For local service information, visit: This Warrington sit has information about local wellbeing resources, as well as details of a wide range of local mental health support services.

For further Better Health information and resources, visit Better Health - NHS (

better health logo

Happy? OK? Sad - a mental health site for people in Warrington

Happy? OK? Sad? is a mental health site for people who live or work in Warrington.

The site includes information about how to look after your mental wellbeing, as well as a directory of mental health support services. There’s also details of services you can contact if you can’t cope and need help right now. Local services are clearly marked and there’s a short description explaining what each service offers. The website is divided into age related pages, so you can quickly find the information and services most relevant to you. There’s also a page for frontline workers with links to free resources and training.

The aims of the Happy? OK? Sad? website are to make you aware of:

  • simple things you can do to look after your mental wellbeing
  • symptoms of common mental health problems
  • services that can offer information, advice, support or treatment
  • what to do if someone can’t cope and needs help right now

Death as a part of life:

Though death is an inevitable part of life, we’re reluctant to talk about it. We fear it may be ‘tempting fate’, we don’t want to upset those we love by bringing it up, we think there is plenty of time left for this.

Watch the Marie Curie video ‘whatever you call it we should talk about it’: 

Making death a part of life involves talking to your friends and family about your choices and preferences and knowing what your loved ones want too. For more information and resources visit Dying Matters | Hospice UK.


The loss of a loved one can be devastating, however there is help and support available.  Remember grief is normal, it is the price we pay for love.  It is a process we travel through and it, it is different for everyone and it takes time.  You might experience anger, confusion, disbelief, regret, fear, loneliness.  It is important to talk about how you feel, be kind to yourself, do not neglect your physical health, eat, and sleep well, avoid turning to alcohol or cigarettes.

There are no rules, grief and loss are individual and a normal reaction, please take care of ‘you’ and when you can’t ask for help bereavement support page on the NHS Warrington CCG website.

Further information and resources:

Moving more and Ageing well

Moving more and Ageing well

For some individuals physical activity has declined throughout the pandemic, as many people remained within their homes particularly those who were shielding due to long-term conditions and age.  For some, this may have led to muscle de-conditioning which can exacerbate long term conditions and premature mortality. It is well known that people are living for longer and in order to maintain a good quality of life as we age is important to keep physically active and keep moving. 

The Chief Medical Officer recommends, per week, for adults including over 65’s:

  • 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity (10 minute bouts) e.g. brisk walk, swim, cycle etc
  • 2 x muscle-strengthening exercises e.g. carrying heaving shopping bags, yoga, circuit training etc
  • 2 x balance and coordination activities e.g. bowls, tai chi, dance etc 

Adults should also aim to minimise the amount of time spent being sedentary (sitting down), and when physically possible should break up long periods of inactivity with at least some light physical activity.

There is no better time than now to start moving more! Other benefits of moving more include…

If physical activity were a pill, it would be the most commonly prescribed medication in the world. No other intervention has such wide-reaching benefits.

Adults should do activities to develop or maintain strength in the major muscle groups. Muscle strengthening activities should be done at least 2 days a week, but any strengthening activity is better than none.  Muscles, bones and joints like to be moved, lack of movement causes your muscles to waste away quickly and this affects your strength and your balance.

Aim to do these exercises 2-3 times throughout the week. You can spilt them up and do them a few at a time throughout the day, at a time that works for you. Remember to start small and build up gradually, as the exercises begin to feel easier you can increase the repetitions to 8-10.  If you want to make it harder still, you can build up to 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions for each exercise.  See the super six moves below which are ideal for beginners.

The super six strength and balance moves can be done at home. 

There are many ways we can move more at home, for example:


The Active at Home booklet, developed by Sport England and Public Health England, provides more ideas on how to do this. We can also keep active within the home, see attached booklet for tips

Keeping well at home

The keeping well at home guide provides a guide to conversations with older people who are not online and signposting information to local services.  The guide aims to standardise conversations professionals, volunteers and family and friends have with older people to ensure they are looking after themselves. 

Local services to support older adults to move more: 


Dementia Prevention

Dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing.  Adoption of healthier lifestyles in midlife can reduce the risk of dementia. The World Health Organisation recommends reducing the risk or delaying the onset of dementia by helping people to:

  • stop smoking
  • be more active
  • reduce their alcohol consumption
  • improve their diet
  • lose weight if necessary and maintain a healthy weight

Health Matters

Those who are at a higher risk of dementia are carer’s of people with dementia, over 65’s, females and those from Black and South Asian Groups.

The protective factors for dementia are keeping socially active, obtaining higher levels of education and cognitive stimulation such as puzzles or learning a second language.

Diagnosis and support

GP’s play a key role in recognising and identifying the symptoms of dementia and referring the person to the specialist Later Life and Memory Service (LLaMS)  The LLaMS service will then undertake a more detailed assessment of the person and may or may not diagnose them with dementia.

Memory Assessment/treatment

Living with Dementia

Upon being diagnosed with dementia there is a range of support available for those living with dementia and those caring for someone with dementia.  In Warrington there are a range of Dementia support groups or cafes across the town, see attachment names Dementia activities.

The Alzheimer’s society provide a care navigator service, to support the person upon diagnosis and their family through the Health and Social care systems ensuring they have the appropriate support they need.  Support can be delivered on a one to one basis or in a group setting.

Alzheimer's Society

Warrington Voluntary Action - Community Companion Service

A Community Companion is about maintaining independence, dignity and supporting people to live well with dementia. It is also about providing a family member with some respite time.  Community companions act as a friendly, familiar face bringing reassurance and comfort to somebody with dementia. This can be by visiting them in their home for a brew and a chat about something they like to talk about and reminisce. Dependant on the person it may also involve meeting at a café or activity to support them in joining a local group. 

For further information, call 01925 246881.

Caring for people with dementia:

Talking to other carers and sharing experiences can provide emotional support for carers of people living with dementia.  The Warrington carers centre can provide a range of support including a carer’s helpline Tel: 01925 987010.

Have you considered accessing a carer’s break for yourself, to maintain your own health and wellbeing?  This can be arranged via social services Tel: 01925 443322. Also consider investing in a cleaning service to help you with your housework and gain more free time.

Local dementia care navigators are there to support you and your loved ones. 

Care Navigators within the Warrington Wellbeing Service can assist you to navigate the various services that are available to help you and your loved ones living with Dementia.  They can help to identify Dementia appropriate community activities, refer you on to Adult Social Care for suitable equipment, a Social Work Assessment of Care Needs or for telecare aids to help maintain living independently in your home.  Care Navigators can ensure that support and guidance is available to claim Personal Independence Payment (if appropriate), Attendance Allowance (depending on age), to claim a disregard on your Council Tax where appropriate and advise on Lasting Power of Attorney. 

For further information contact the Warrington Wellbeing on Tel: 01925 248460.

Home environment:

Small changes to the layout of the home environment can be helpful to people living with dementia such as:

  • Rearranging furniture and fittings in a way that makes them easy to access/use
  • Keeping surfaces and floors clear and uncluttered to reduce confusion and help prevent trips and falls i.e. removal of mats and rugs
  • Putting signs on doors and cupboards to make it easier for the person to find their way around the home
  • Having good lighting can help keep the person safe (consider automatic lights at night as well as touch-lamps and brighter bulbs)
  • Marking the edges of steps and stairs can be helpful for people with dementia
  • Contrasting colours makes items easier to locate such as handles on door and cupboards and cutlery and crockery
  • Use a coloured toilet seat or remove the lid
  • Consider signage within the home e.g. put a sign on the door to remind you where the toilet is and label cupboards and draws
  • Always keep important items in the same place
  • Check water temperature is set at the appropriate temperature
  • Use a whiteboard to write reminders on.

Home adaptions:

Consider home adaptions such as ramps, grab rails, level access showers and stair lifts.  Contact WHIA telephone 01925 246812 for more information.


Warrington Disability Partnership can provide support with mobility issues and aids telephone. Call 01925 240064 to find out more. 

Assistive Technology:

Health gadgets, motion detectors, apps and home delivery shopping services are examples of how technology can support people to remain active, safe and independent in the home. 

Staff at the Warrington Smart Flat will be able to talk you through the equipment best suited to meeting your needs and provide advice on where the equipment and technology can be purchased from or they will refer you to the council if further support is needed.  Call 01925 240464 to book an appointment to visit the smart flat and see the range of assisted technology available in the home. 

Keeping safe:

The Herbert protocol is a form that can be filled in to provide emergency services with accurate up to date information should the person with dementia wander or become a missing person.  Information includes contact numbers, medication, a photo as well as a list of significant places.  This helps to speed up the response to any missing person reports.  The Herbert Protocol (

The Warrington carer’s centre administer a carer’s emergency plan/card.  This requires the carer to fill in a form with basic contact information in relation to their loved one.  The Carer’s centre then issues the carer and the cared for with a carer’s card with a telephone number for Adult Social Care who have a record of the carer’s emergency plan should access to it be required.  Tel: 01925 987010 to access a carers support plan/card to help keep your loved one safe.

Increasing support:

There may come a time when you are unable to continue to care for your loved one if their needs increase.  Social services can provide access to day care, respite and residential care, Tel: 01925 443322.  These services are means tested and a financial assessment will be required.

Further support and information:


Warrington Wellbeing Team Tel: 01925 248460

The Wellbeing Service

The Wellbeing service provides one to one support for anyone living with dementia and their carers. Anyone can refer to the service and support can be provided for as long as is necessary. The service is also commissioned to provide a dementia navigation service which supports people diagnosed with dementia at the Later Life and Memory Service at Hollins Park and their carers. Support is provided under four areas, dementia friendly community activities, carer needs, equipment & benefit/income support.

Wellbeing Service

Dementia Friends

Wheels for all

Livewire Dementia friendly activities programme

There are respite and a day-care facilities available for those living with dementia in Warrington.  These can be accessed via social services and there will normally be a charge based on a financial assessment.

Telephone: 01925 443322
01925 444400 (out of hour emergencies)



There are numerous Care homes that provide care and support to persons living with Dementia.  These can also be accessed via Adult social care but more information is available here:  Care Homes

Support for carers is available from the local carers service –Wired which is based in the town centre. It is important that people who look after the person with dementia are fully supported in their caring role. Wired

Dementia Library

Catalyst Choices

Every Wednesday 9-5pm

Stockton Health Library

Alexandra Road

WA4 2N

Come along for friendly atmosphere fun and community focused.  Activities include. Chair based exercise, Quiz’s, film club, Dominoes, baking, music, computer, painting and physical activities.

Call Catalyst Choice on:

01925 202380 or

Dying well

People with dementia should be able to choose their preferred place of care, where symptoms are controlled and care is focused on ensuring comfort at end of life.  Support is available to have early discussions about a persons’ wishes and their plans for their end of life care.  The Care navigators with the Wellbeing service or Alzheimer’s society.


Courses to promote Health & Wellbeing

These courses are for adults age 18 and over in the Warrington Community.  Who are looking at improving their health and wellbeing.

Positive Thoughts

Youth Connect 5

Dementia Friends


Budget Boosting

Creative Remedies

Getting to know your Tablet

Computers for the Terrified

Blooming Art

Community Centres |

All these courses are FREE and held in the local community - for more information click on the course you wish to attend


Wellbeing Service

Wellbeing is about having a good quality of life; it can be described as feeling healthy, happy or being able to cope with the problems that can happen in life. There are many different issues that can affect your wellbeing; worries about money, feeling stuck in a rut, feeling lonely, anxious or depressed or maybe wanting help to change, for example to quit smoking or get more active. 

The Warrington Wellbeing Team – what we offer

The team can help you get the information and support you need to start feeling back on track. They work with anyone over the age of 18 & they can help with anything non-medical. The team may be able to give you some personal advice, or they may help you to get advice from an expert. If necessary, they will support you to access other services rather than just giving you information. Warrington Wellbeing understands each person is an individual who needs tailored support, so you will get an individual plan to help you manage your situation. 

When we might need to refer you to someone else

  • The team cannot provide emergency mental health support. If you need help right now, please see the urgent help section below or there is more information on
  • The team are not clinical staff and so we cannot advise you or comment on medical conditions or medications.
  • The team are not legal experts but they may be able to refer you to a professional who can help. 
  • The team don’t arrange structured day care.

However we will do our best to find the right services for you at the right time. We work closely with a range of partners to do this, meeting every fortnight.

What will happen when I see a member of the Warrington Wellbeing Team?

When you first talk to a Warrington Wellbeing worker, they will ask you to describe the issues you want help with. Depending on the situation, you could get all the information and advice you need at this point. If you have more than one issue, or you find it hard to describe what kind of help you want, you will be offered a non-clinical assessment of practical, social and emotional needs. This will be a conversation with a worker, who will talk to you about your life and ask some questions to find out how they and other services can help you.   

You will be given a personalised wellbeing plan of support that will outline all the help and advice that is available. The worker will arrange to meet with you wherever suits you.

How can I get in touch with Warrington Wellbeing?

There are different ways you can contact us. You can...

  • Make a referral through the following link Anyone can refer to the service, so you can refer yourself or a friend or family member. It’s easy and quick to do. You will receive confirmation of your referral and join our waiting list.
  • Call us on the phone if you have a query about the service and to check if this is the right service for you.
  • Email us... then we will email you back and if necessary we will ask you to refer by the link above.

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm

If you need urgent help with a mental health issue

You can contact your GP. If the GP surgery is closed telephone NHS 111 for an out of hours service.

You can call the mental health crisis support line for anyone, any age, experiencing a mental health crisis - call 01925 275 309.
You can telephone the Warrington Assessment Team on 01925 666647. This service is for people aged 18 and over with moderate to severe symptoms of mental health problems. Its open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff will identify your needs and then provide advice or signpost or refer you to the most appropriate service.
You can telephone the Samaritans on 116 123, this number is free to call. This charity offers confidential support, at any time of the day or night, to anyone in distress, including people who may feel suicidal. 

Who to contact:

Name: Warrington Wellbeing Team

Telephone: 01925 248460


Website: Warrington Wellbeing

GP Surgeries

Warrington GP Practices    
Name Address 1 Address 2 Postcode Telephone No. 
Folly Lane Medical Centre Folly Lane Bewsey WA5 0LU 01925 417247
Guardian Medical Centre Guardian Street   WA5 1UD 01925 650226
Springfields Medical Centre Bath Street Health & Wellbeing Centre Legh Street WA1 1UG 01925 843880
Causeway Medical Centre 166-170 Wilderspool Causeway   WA4 6QA 01925 630282
Fearnhead Cross Medical Centre 25 Fearnhead Cross Fearnhead WA2 0HD 01925 847000
Padgate Medical Centre 12 Station Road Padgate WA2 0RX 01925 815333
Birchwood Medical Centre 15 Benson Road Birchwood WA3 7PJ 01925 823502
Greenbank Surgery 274 Manchester Road   WA1 3RB 01925 631132
The Surgery 280 Manchester Road   WA1 3RB 01925 230022
Holes Lane Medical Centre 28 Holes Lane Woolston WA1 4NE 01925 599855
Helsby Street Medical Centre 2 Helsby Street   WA1 3AW 01925 637304
Fairfield Surgery 278 Manchester Road   WA1 3RB 01925 245204
Westbrook Medical Centre 301/302 Westbrook Centre Westbrook WA5 8UF 01925 654152
Chapleford Health Plus Burtonwood Road Great Sankey WA5 3AN 01925 598230
Penketh Health Centre Honiton Way Penketh WA5 2EY 01925 725644
Stockton Heath Medical Centre The Forge, London Road Stockton Heath WA4 6HJ 01925 604427
The Stretton Branch Surgery 45 Dudlow Green Road Appleton WA4 5EQ 01925 599136
Stretton Medical Centre 5 Hatton Lane Stretton WA4 4NE 01925 599586
Latchford Medical Centre Thelwall Lane Latchford WA4 1LI 01925 637508
Brookfield Surgery Whitbarrow Road Lymm WA13 9DB 01925 756969
Lakeside Surgery Lakeside Road Lymm WA13 0QE 01925 755050
Culcheth Medical Centre Jackson Avenue Culcheth WA3 4DZ 01925 765101
Eric Moore Partnership Medi-Centre, 1 Tanners Lane   WA2 7LY 01925 843883
Parkview Medical Centre Orford Jubilee Health Centre, Jubilee Way Orford WA2 8HE 01925 843641
Four Seasons Medical Centre Orford Jubilee Health Centre, Jubilee Way Orford WA2 8HE 01925 843843
Cockhedge Medical Centre 7 Cockhedge Way, Cockhedge Shopping Centre   WA1 2QQ 01925 244655
Dallam Lane Medical Centre 20 Dallam Lane   WA2 7NG 01925 572334