Warrington School Health - Childhood Immunisation Programme (Primary)

The Warrington Immunisation Team offer vaccinations to all young people of primary and secondary age.

Parents / carers will be sent a letter, a consent form to sign and a leaflet for information for all the vaccines we offer.

Assemblies are routinely held in every secondary school prior to the vaccinations being given and if you young people need to speak to a School Nurse please call us on 01925 843864.

The Nasal Flu Vaccine

Flu can be a very unpleasant illness in children. Annual immunisation provides important protection to individual children and also reduces the spread of flu to their families and the wider community.

To be effective, vaccinations need to be given between October and December as this is before flu tends to circulate. The flu virus can change year on year and therefore vaccines are made each year to provide protection against the flu viruses that are predicted to circulate, and which is why the vaccine needs to be given on an annual basis.

This coming autumn term the vaccine will be offered to reception and year 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 children within primary school.

Vaccination dates

Childhood flu immunisation dates – school sessions for children in Reception Year 1 2 3 4 and 5